PRISYM ID announces six further projects go live

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PRISYM ID announces six further projects go live as medical device and life science organizations prepare for the future

  • Labelling software firm has implemented six new software systems in the last few months in a sign that the market is now rebalancing after the upheavals of the last 12 months.
  • It says customers within medical device and life science sectors are increasingly demanding agile, industry-specific solutions that can be implemented within months as they race to make up for lost time.


 Following its announcement of five significant business wins at the start of the year, PRISYM ID has said that it has successfully implemented a further six new regulated labelling software systems as demand from across the medical device and life science sectors increases.

The market leading labelling software firm says that this strong performance demonstrates the medical device and life science industries are recovering from the impact of the pandemic and are refocusing on implementing labelling management solutions to help prepare for the future.

The company adds that it sees the experience of the pandemic having an impact on the market as customers look for solutions that will increase their flexibility and allow them to respond more effectively to any change or uncertainty in their business over the months ahead.

In particular, many organizations are prioritizing speed of implementation as they seek to implement solutions that can help them as they prepare for life post pandemic – as a result, PRISYM ID says that its customers are putting a far greater focus on so-called “time to value” for their technology investments than ever before.


Richard Adams, Chief Executive of PRISYM ID, said: “We are incredibly pleased to have delivered PRISYM 360 solutions across both our medical device and clinical trial supply sectors. The first few months of 2021 have been extremely busy for us as it is clear that the legacy of COVID-19 has focused people’s minds.


“For our customers, fast and agile implementation combined with specialist industry knowledge are extremely important, and the projects we have successfully executed in recent months show we can deliver the best of all worlds: high quality solutions, delivered at speed, by genuine experts in the field.”


22 June, 2021